Move with purpose

Breathe with ease

Live in flow

find your flow

  • Non-Resistance

    The path of non-resistance is near impossible if you’re unconscious of the things that cause it. It’s not about suppression either, it’s about acknowledgement and living within that feeling, owning it and honouring it. Fear shouldn’t be feared nor should happiness cause embarrassment.

  • Acient Methods

    From the oldest Yoga-Sutras, the early days of the main modern religions, to indigenous cultures, meditation and breath work isn’t something that is recently discovered only re-discovered. 5 minutes of focused breathing before a meeting or repeating a mantra to get “in the zone”, another well known term for Flow, have all been done for 1000’s of years the world over

  • Own Your Life

    Once your body starts flowing happiness follows. Living in your alignment and strategy creates confidence and happiness. Imagine waking up excited to start the day after a restorative sleep, thats everyday once acknowledgement and acceptance of your true purpose happens.


(noun) The action or fact of moving along in a steady, continuous stream

Flow is the state of being where everything feels effortless, aligned and natural. It’s when you’re fully present, deeply connected, and moving through life with ease rather than resistance. Achieving this state isn’t about forcing discipline or following ridged routines-Its about understanding your unique design and working with your body, mind and energy in a way that feels right for you.

Human design reveals how you’re naturally meant to operate. It helps you understand your energy levels, decision-making process, and how you best engage with the world. By aligning with your Type, Strategy, and Authority, you stop wasting energy on things that drain you and instead create a life that feels fluid and fulfilling.

True flow comes from balancing strength with surrender, structure with intuition, and action with rest. When you align your HD with intentional movement. breath, and mindfulness, you create a lifestyle that feel expansive rather than restrictive.

Flow isn’t about doing more-its about living in a way that feels right for you. Through HD, fitness, breath work, yoga, and meditation you can create a life where energy moves freely, and everything falls into place naturally

Scientifically backed research

  • Enhanced Performance: Research indicates that individuals in a flow state exhibit improved performance across various domains. For instance, studies have shown that musicians and athletes experience heightened creativity and efficiency when in flow.

  • Neuroscientific Insights: Neuroimaging studies reveal that during flow, there's increased activity in brain regions associated with the specific task and decreased activity in areas responsible for self-reflection and executive control. This neural pattern supports the seamless and efficient execution of tasks characteristic of flow.

  • Workplace Benefits: Achieving flow at work has been associated with higher productivity, creativity, and job satisfaction. Employees in flow report feeling happier, more engaged, and more capable of tackling challenging tasks.

Key Characteristics of Flow:

  1. Complete Concentration: Total focus on the task at hand.

  2. Clarity of Goals: Clear understanding of objectives and immediate feedback.

  3. Balance Between Challenge and Skill: The task's difficulty matches the individual's skill level.

  4. Effortlessness: The activity feels almost automatic and requires minimal conscious effort.

  5. Timelessness: A distorted sense of time, often losing track of it.

  6. Intrinsic Motivation: Engaging in the activity for its own sake, not for external rewards.

1:1 Coaching

  • Monthly

    Combination of Human Design, Training & Recovery. Full access via WhatsApp every days well as weekly check-ins, goal setting and strategy sessions

  • $3000 per month

Flow Memberships

  • Exclusive access to training, recovery, flow triggers and Human Design insights

  • $150 per months


  • 1 day workshops to a full week retreats. Custom content for each session is planned out from small group Executive Crucibles, Flow Triggers workshops, and Corporate Wellness Programs

  • Price on application