Human Design
Unlock your blueprint - Live in alignment
Imagine waking up each morning with clarity and purpose, feeling the surge of energy that comes from knowing who you truly are. Embracing your human design means honouring your strengths, your vulnerabilities, and your unique gifts. It means releasing the pressure to conform and instead, celebrating the beautiful spectrum of your individuality. In this space of alignment, relationships deepen, creativity flourishes, and every moment becomes infused with a sense of possibility and love.
Everyday, countless souls wander through life wearing masks-living out of habit, expectations, and the voice of others. When we
operate from out “not-self” we feel an unspoken disconnect, a whisper of discontent echoing through out hearts. It’s a state of being where our true essence is silenced, and the vibrant, authentic spirit within remains hidden.
Living in the not-self isn’t just about the external pressures-its an internal conflict. Imagine feeling adrift, as if each decision is guided by someone else’s blueprint rather than your own truth. This misalignment can lead to chronic dissatisfaction, anxiety, and a sense of isolation, even in a crowded room. The energy you expand trying to fit into a mood that isn’t yours can leave you feeling depleted and unfulfilled.
Understand where you might be living out of alignment with your true nature
Learn how to use your intrinsic strategy as a decision-making tool that naturally leads you to fulfilment
Transition from a life dictated by external pressures to one that resonates with your inner truth and unique potential
What is human design?
Human design is a system that blends ancient wisdom with modern science to provide a blueprint for how you are uniquely designed to operate in the world. It combines elements of astrology, the I-Ching, Hindu-Brahmin chakra system, and quantum physics to give you a PERSONALISED roadmap for living in alignment with your true nature
At its core, Human Design (HD) helps you understand how you best make decisions, use your energy, and interact with others. It’s based on your exact time, date and place of birth, which generates your Bodygraph - a visual representation of your energy design. This chart reveals the key aspect of who you are, including your Type, Authority, Strategy, Centers and Profile, all of which influence how you move through life with the most ease and flow.
Type (Manifestor, Generator, Projector or Reflector) This is your energetic nature and how you engage with the world
Authority is your inner decision-making process, guiding you towards choices that are correct for you
Strategy is how you interact with life in a way that reduces resistance
Centers show where you are naturally consistent and where you take in energy from others
Profile represents your personality and life themes
Understanding your design allows you to work with your strengths, release conditioning, and live in greater alignment with your authentic self. Instead of forcing yourself to fit into social expectations, HD teaches you how to honour your natural flow-leading to better relationships, improved well-being, and more success
whether you’re seeking clarity in career, daily decisions or just a better self, HD offers a powerful framework for living with purpose and ease
Entry-Level Reading
60-90 Minutes
Basic overview of your own personal Human Design and how to align with your Authority and Strategy
$200 AUS
Deep Dive Session
2 × 90 Minute Sessions
Closer look at your Gates and Centres as well are more information on Authority and Strategy. This carried out for two sessions. The second has more time for a Q&A
$350 AUD
ONgoing Coaching
2-4 Calls Monthly
For those that want to live in Alignment. Weekly calls to discuss and further understand you Human Design
$750-1500 AUD