
Fitness isn’t just in the gym. its the long game thats important. 25+ years of training and still being as flexible and bulletproof as day one takes knowledge, talant and awareness


From Crossfit, to power & weightlifting, from sprints to marathons each of us have different wants and needs. Having traveled the globe to learn from the masters and coaching 1000’s of athletes to reach their own personal goals. What I do is hone the sword for athletes and professionals of the world. It’s the 1%’s that count more than the hours at work or in the gym. It could be calming the mind or psyching up, each person is wired differently. Using HD as a blueprint to coach various people set national records, place top 40 in the world for CrossFit Open WODs, launch international companies and even being able to play with their kids after years of inflexible and lack of stamina and strength both physical and mental.

While goals might be similar, no two programs I write are the same. I could give you a cookie cutter program that is very “one size fits most”. Instead, I write specifically for your HD blueprint. Are you a morning or afternoon person? Individual or group/teams work best for you? Does 3 short workouts a day work better or 3 days a week because of other commitments or your individual wants? Whichever and whatever your end goal is, the easiest way to achieve this is through alignment and strategy


A niggle one day eventually turns into a debilitating injury, even surgery, and prevents you from living your life in harmony and flow. With so much information at hand when it comes to recovery is very easy to get lost. Time is also a factor as we try to squeeze more and more into each day. Finding the correct “Therapeutic Dose” for each individual take trial and error, and rather than do it blindly, the recovery program focus on a combination of mobility, yoga, stretching, contrast therapy (hot & cold), breath work to the way sleep. Adding Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR) to a persons day has seen an increase in alertness and productivity.

1:1 Training

  • 60 Minutes

    Program design and training tailored to your exact goals and needs

    Delivered via zoom

  • $150 per session

    $300 for a monthly program

Small Group (4-6)

  • 60 Mins

    4-6 People max capacity. Like minded group training often done for work/sporting groups

  • $85 per session

    $500 for monthly program

Recovery Protocols

  • 60 Mins

    Phone consult to design a Recovery protocol for your specific needs. Protocol gets reviewed every 4-6 weeks

  • $200 per month

Make every

